The Scarlet Seal

The Scarlet Seal – Recognized Student Organization Excellence
The Scarlet Seal program recognizes recognized student organizations at Rutgers University – Camden that have reached the highest pinnacle of excellence as organizations. Organizations that receive The Scarlet Seal demonstrate the principles of successful leadership, are pillars within the Rutgers community, and set their organization up for future success.
Organizations must complete the following t requirements from the list below to be recognized with The Scarlet Seal at the Student Leader Awards.
- Have an executive committee with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (for the purpose of this requirement, the Office of Student Involvement will only be checking the GPA of required executive board positions: President, Treasurer, and Secretary).
- Have executive committee members complete 20 service hours during the academic year and upload a signed service hour form through Engage.
- Complete and upload a SALTY event assessment form (found on the Student Organization Officer Training Canvas course) for one event during the Fall and Spring semesters.
- Complete elections using the Elections feature on Engage.
- Host 3 general body meetings per semester (must be posted on Engage).
- Have your organization President or other executive board representative attend at least 4 President’s Meetings annually.
- Host at least 1 vendor table per semester promoting your organization or an organization event/fundraiser.
- Collaborate with another recognized student organization for 1 event during the academic year.
- Collaborate with an on-campus office or department (e.g., the Student Wellness Center, the Office of Violence Prevention & Victim Assistance, the Office of Disability Services, etc.) for one event during the academic year.
- Complete and submit a SWOT analysis of your organization at the end of the academic year.
- Host at least 2 events each Fall and Spring semesters (must be posted on Engage).
- Have your organization’s President, Treasurer, and Secretary attend one Office of Student Involvement leadership workshop each in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Office of Student Involvement
Campus Center, Lower Level
326 Penn Street, Camden, NJ 08080
(856) 225-6163