Officer Eligibility Requirements

Officer Eligibility Requirements

Recognized Student Organization Officers must be fully enrolled (full-time or part-time) undergraduate or graduate students at any school on the Camden Campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA earned at Rutgers, having completed at least 12 credit hours either at Rutgers or through transfer credits. 

​​​​​​​Organizations wishing to request funding from the Student Governing Association must only include officers enrolled in Rutgers University - Camden schools who pay the Student Governing Association fee, which are Camden College of Arts and Sciences (School 50), School of Business (School 52), Graduate School - Camden (School 56), School of Nursing - Camden (School 57), Graduate School of Nursing (School 58), and University College - Camden (School 64).

Exceptions to these requirements are as follows:

  • Graduate students need not have completed 12 credits to be eligible to serve as officers but must earn at least a 2.0 GPA once they have a recorded GPA.
  • First-semester transfer students with at least 24 credits will be eligible to serve as officers without a recorded Rutgers-Camden cumulative GPA.
  • Some organizations require a higher cumulative GPA to serve as an officer; such requirement should be clearly stated in the organization’s constitution.