Officer Eligibility Requirements

Officer Eligibility Requirements

Recognized Student Organization Officers must be fully enrolled, undergraduate or graduate students at any school on the Camden Campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA earned at Rutgers, having completed at least 12 credit hours either at Rutgers or through transfer credits.  Organizations wishing to request funding from the Student Governing Association must only include officers enrolled in Rutgers University - Camden schools who pay into the Student Governing Association fee, which are: Camden College of Arts and Sciences (School 50), School of Business (School 52), Graduate School - Camden (School 56), School of Nursing - Camden (School 57), Graduate School of Nursing (School 58), and University College - Camden (School 64).

Exceptions to these requirements are as follows:

  • Graduate students need not have completed 12 credits to be eligible to serve as an officer but must earn at least a 2.0 GPA once they have a recorded GPA.