Upperclass Courses 

Critical Issues of Criminal Justice
Ross Allen
MW 12:30pm-1:50pm
In person and streaming live
Approved for EAV / WRI for general education.

This course will focus on the relationships that exist between ethics and justice as it is manifested in the contemporary criminal justice system. The topics to be discussed include punishment and sentencing, rights of those who are traditionally oppressed, the so-called “blue wall of silence” among police, privatization of criminal justice components, and the death penalty. Additionally, students will be expected to critically think about ethical reasoning as it pertains to justice and injustice and what shapes their viewpoints in this area

History of Theatre 
Ken Elliott
Fully online and asynchronous
Approved for HAC for general education.

This course will cover the fundamentals of the history of world theater and drama by examining performance traditions and theater practices from their earliest ritual beginnings to the eighteenth century. The student will read major dramatic texts representative of these periods, which are key to the development of world drama. Although there is an emphasis placed on the western canon, some class time will be devoted to non-western theatre as well. Class activities will include lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, reading, and writing assignments.  Major playwrights covered include Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Shakespeare and Moliere. In addition to quizzes and papers, there will be a midterm and final.

Seminar in Professional Nursing
T 8am-10:50am

This introductory nonclinical course in nursing is designed to provide the student with a foundation in nursing knowledge that will provide the basis for ensuing theory and clinical nursing courses. Major foci will be the discipline and profession of nursing, its history, its conceptual and theoretical structures, and the patterns of knowledge needed for developing the science and practice of nursing. It requires the integration of previously acquired knowledge in the sciences, arts, and humanities and introduces basic concepts in epidemiology, demographics, and cultural competencies, as well as the knowledge necessary for a beginning understanding of the research process, and for development of interpersonal and interdisciplinary communication skills. The ethics and values of the profession as well as the scope of practice and other legal and regulatory aspects will be introduced. Current issues in nursing and the many roles of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse will be examined and discussed as the student is socialized to become a self-reflective, accountable, lifelong learner given to self-appraisal as she or he navigates the route to achieving the terminal objectives of the curriculum.

Aging and Health in Global Communities
57:705:313:H1, GCM
Meshell Mansor
W 8am-10:50am
Approved for GCM for general education.

The population of the world is aging.  In some societies aging is associated with a good quality of life and in others with the loss of health and well-being. This course will explore issues and challenges related to the aging population. Maintaining health and preparing for a peaceful death will be addressed from a global perspective appropriate to the impact that aging will have on the global community.

The course content will examine how a variety of disciplines have viewed the culture of aging over time and the historical evolution of health care services for older adults.  Although the primary focus will be aging in America, lessons learned from other global societies will be incorporated to ensure that students are able to understand the meaning and significance of healthy aging.  Students will examine the aging population in the context of enhancing contemporary understanding of the impact of individuals over 65 who will outnumber the population of young people for the first time in history by mid-century.

1st year Courses

Review Writing
Matt Sorento
MW 3:45pm-5:05pm
fully online, with a weekly synchronous meeting and the rest asynchronous (meet once a week during class time)
Approved for AAI  for general education.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion.” —Harlan Ellison (1934-2018) This course will introduce students to the practice of soundly reviewing the arts for enrichment and publication, with special focus on the medium of film. We will learn about and write in various review formats, including the traditional review, the column format, the critical feature, and the podcast. Through writing in blog platforms and responding to other students’ work, we will also gain experience in digital mediums. The course will consider the work of noted critics and include a study of one critic of choice.

Seuss and Sendak
Tyler Hoffman
Fully online and asynchronous
Approved for AAI  for general education.

You’re probably passingly familiar with some of the picture books of Dr. Seuss and Maurice Sendak, and may well have read them (or had them read to you) when you were a child. However, the larger significance and resonance of those books may not have been all that clear to you at the time, even as they were shaping you to become the person you are! In this course we’ll intensively study the art of these two vitally important children’s book authors of the last 100 years and map their art against an evolving American cultural politics. Through them, we’ll consider the history of the picture book form and the construction of childhood in it. We’ll also examine the influences on Seuss and Sendak as well as their own influence on contemporary children’s literature.

Neuroscience of Opioid Epidemic
Nathan Fried
MW 2:05pm-3:25pm
online and synchronous
Approved for PLS for general education.

This special honors college seminar course will approach the opioid epidemic from a basic science perspective. The course will cover the basic neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology of sensory systems and addiction. Students will first study how sensory systems work with a focus on pain sensation and then study drugs of abuse and addiction with a focus on opioids. The class will explore the interplay between chronic pain and the opioid epidemic to approach this public health issue from a basic science perspective. Class will include a combination of discussion-based lecture periods, student presentations on cutting edge scientific discoveries and current social issues, and a unique semester-long authentic research project using fruit flies.

Urban Economics and Planning
MW 12:30pm-1:50pm
Approved for PLS for general education.

Analysis of the economic forces leading to the existence, growth, and decline of cities and of the factors affecting land use within a city. The course also offers provision of local public services, local taxes, and the size of local governments. The economic analysis of urban problems includes housing, poverty, transportation, and land use.

Game Theory
Randy Mershon
Online, asynchronous

Introduction to Game Theory is a course designed to be accessible to students at all levels of mathematics (043 completion or proper placement perquisite) to explore how mathematics aids in optimal decision making in everyday life.  Examples include choosing optimal routes in daily errands, or determining proper strategy in various games of skill and chance.  Material will combine many discrete mathematics topics including probability and graph theory and focus on logically determining solutions to various puzzles.   In this course we will discuss various classic puzzles and games such as The Tower of Hanoi, The “Lights Out” Problem, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, and the Monty Hall Problem as well as modern day “pop culture” examples of using mathematical reasoning to aid in decision making. 

Introduction to Psychology Nursing Majors Only
Sara Fiorot
TTH 11:10am-12:30pm.
one weekly synchronous meeting during class time paired with some asynchronous components

This course is an introduction to the methods, theories, facts, and basic principles in the major fields of psychology, including biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, cognitive processes, lifespan development, personality, social psychology, psychological testing, and clinical diagnosis and treatment. This course will emphasize using psychology in everyday life. Students’ grades will be derived from the following components: quizzes, exams, short writing assignments, and attendance & participation. As part of their grade, students will also be required to participate in research being conducted by Rutgers-Camden faculty and students (or they may participate in an approved, appropriate alternative activity).