Happy Women’s History Month! Chancellor Antonio D. Tillis invites you to join us throughout March for a campus-wide celebration. This is a time to honor the women of Rutgers–Camden, and we will also salute historical women from around the world, whose innovation and bravery in the face of discrimination have shaped our pursuit of academic excellence.
The National Women’s History Alliance has chosen the theme of “Women Who Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” for 2024’s observances. It is only fitting, then, that our own Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Civic Engagement will host a series of Women’s History Month events to educate and inspire our community. These events will highlight the systemic bias against women while offering a constructive forum for progress.

Navigating Power and Influence: From the Margin to the State
Keynote: Jeannine LaRue
Tuesday, March 5, 12:45–1:45 p.m.
Campus Center Multi-Purpose Room
I invite you to a discussion with Jeannine LaRue titled “Navigating Power and Influence: From the Margin to the State.” This conversation will explore lived experiences, triumphs, and the successful navigation of the barriers that exist at the intersections of identity, authenticity, and politics. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 5 from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Campus Center. This is expected to be a popular event, so I encourage you to register now.
Jeannine LaRue is Senior Vice President of the Zita Group and has spent almost 40 years serving the public on policy, governmental, and political issues in the public and private sectors. Among many other accomplishments, she was named to Insider NJ’s African American Power List and to Insider NJ’s OUT 100 NJ’s LGBT Power List.

Black Strategic Mothering and the School “Choice” Marketplace
Speaker: Dr. Riché Barnes
Monday, March 18, 11:20 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Campus Center South ABC Meeting Room
Sponsor: Blackademics Faculty Group and Gender Studies
Lunch Provided
The Blackademics Faculty Group and Gender Studies invite you to talk by Riché J. Daniel Barnes. Dr. Barnes is Associate Professor of Anthropology in the African American Studies Program and graduate faculty in Anthropology and the Center for Sexualities, Gender, and Women’s Studies at the University of Florida. Her teaching and research specializations are at the intersection of black feminist theories, work and family policy, and African Diasporic raced, gendered, and classed identity formation. Her book, Raising the Race: Black Career Women Redefine Marriage, Motherhood, and Community (Rutgers University Press 2015), in which she developed the conceptual tool, “Black Strategic Mothering,” won the 2017 Distinguished Book Award for the Race, Gender, Class section of the American Sociological Association.
She will be presenting on her theory of black strategic mothering and how it relates to black women's navigation of school choice.

Moving Beyond the Impostor Phenomenon
Speaker: Dr. Angélica Gutiérrez
Tuesday, March 19, 12:45–1:45 p.m.
Campus Center Executive Meeting Room
Dr. Oscar Holmes IV will have a fireside chat with Dr. Angélica Gutiérrez, one of the world's leading researchers on the Impostor Phenomenon. In their conversation, they will discuss the latest research on the Impostor Phenomenon, recount their own stories of experiencing it, and discuss strategies on what organizations and individuals can do to mitigate the Impostor Phenomenon.

Diverse Women Leading with Purpose, Passion and Power
Moderator: Gloria Bonilla-Santiago
Speakers: Patricia Campos Medina, Donna Nickitas, Nyeema Watson
Wednesday, March 27, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden
530 Federal St. Camden, Room 201
Dr. Gloria Bonilla–Santiago will moderate a discussion on "Diverse Women Leading with Purpose, Passion and Power" with Dr. Patricia Campos Medina, executive director of the Worker Institute at Cornell University; Dr. Donna Nikita's, dean of Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden; and Dr. Nyeema Watson, senior vice chancellor for strategy, diversity and community engagement.
R.S.V.P. at 856-225-6348 or email nelly.tejada@rutgers.edu