

Any violation of academic integrity is a serious offense subject to appropriate sanctions or penalties. Violations of academic integrity may result in academic penalties, educational sanctions, and/or disciplinary sanctions, and are not limited to the examples below.

Academic Penalties

  • Requirement to re-submit the assignment or complete an alternate assignment.
  • A grade reduction for assignment or course.
  • A failing grade for the assignment.
  • A grade of F in the course.
  • A grade of XF in the course, where applicable.

Educational Sanctions

  • An assigned paper or research project related to ethics or academic integrity.
  • Participation in a workshop or seminar.
  • Service to the University community.

Disciplinary Sanctions

  • Disciplinary reprimand.
  • Disciplinary probation.
  • Dismissal from a departmental or school program.
  • Denial of access to internships or research programs.
  • Loss of appointment to academic positions.
  • Loss of departmental/graduate program/school endorsements for internal and external fellowship support and employment opportunities.
  • Removal of fellowship or assistantship support.
  • Suspension for one or more semesters.
  • Requiring a delay in the completion of a professional program.
  • Dismissal from a graduate or professional program.
  • Expulsion from the University with a permanent notation of disciplinary expulsion on the student’s transcript.
  • Degree or certificate revocation.

Note: Any of these sanctions may have an impact on financial aid, scholarship, or fellowship eligibility, or scholastic standing.


If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Find out more about the different forms you can use to report concerns and address specific needs.