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If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Please utilize the following forms to highlight your concern and/or address your specific need.

Rutgers-Camden Welcome sign

Academic Integrity

Use this form to report on academic integrity incident.

Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to:
- Cheating
- Plagiarism
- Use of unauthorized sources
- Prohibited behaviors noted on a class syllabus

open book lies on the desk

Concerns (CARES)

Use this form to self-report or report a student of concern.

If reporting someone other than yourself, you can opt to remain anonymous. Please understand that the more information we receive, the more we will be able to address the situation.

University college audience or lecture room with students as back to school education study and learning during conference presentation and training seminar meeting

Non-Academic Conduct

Use this form to report general incidents of misconduct.

Incidents include, but are not limited to:
- Alcohol Use
- Drug Use
- Housing Policy Violations
- Residence Life Policy Violations
- Physical Assault
- Organizational Violations
- Hazing Incidents
- Disruptive Behavior

View of Cooper Street Doorms

Sexual Misconduct

Use this form to report behaviors that violate Title IX.

Incidents include, but are not limited to:
- Dating and Domestic Violence
- Gender-Based Discrimination
- Hostile Environment
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Assault
- Stalking

This report form can be utilized by students wishing to file a report on their own behalf or by anyone wishing to file a report on behalf of a Rutgers University student.

A loving couple (silhouettes of a man and a girl) hold hands in the rays of light at sunset on the sea on a pier.

Student Conduct History Check

Use this form when your department wishes to obtain conduct records of Rutgers University–Camden students.

group of students

Student Veteran Deployment Alert

Student veterans that are enrolled at Rutgers University–Camden should complete this form when they receive notification to deploy or are called to military leave while enrolled in a course or program of study at Rutgers University–Camden.

This covers all undergraduate and graduate students:
- School of Law (24)
- College of Arts and Sciences (50)
- School of Business (52)
- MBA (53)
- Graduate School (56)
- School of Nursing (57)
- Graduate School of Nursing (58)
- University College (64)

This notification should be submitted prior to your deployment/military leave and departure from campus so that the University policy can be initiated.

military students

Deployment Alert (Faculty/Staff)

The Rutgers Military Leave, Academic Credit and Tuition Refunds - Undergraduate and Graduate Students policy provides faculty guidance as to options and responsibilities when working with students called to active military service. (This policy is in accordance with New Jersey State Law N.J.S.A. 18a:62-4.2.)

This covers all undergraduate and graduate students:
- School of Law (24)
- College of Arts and Sciences (50)
- School of Business (52)
- MBA (53)
- Graduate School (56)
- School of Nursing (57)
- Graduate School of Nursing (58)
- University College (64)

If a student veteran notifies you of an impending deployment or military leave, please use this form to notify the Rutgers–Camden Office of Veteran Affairs.

students in classroom learning about lyme disease

Student Medical (Maternity) Alert

Title IX and NJ Senate Bill1489 ensures certain rights and opportunities for pregnancy students in institutions of higher education.

This covers all undergraduate and graduate students:
- School of Law (24)
- College of Arts and Sciences (50)
- School of Business (52)
- MBA (53)
- Graduate School (56)
- School of Nursing (57)
- Graduate School of Nursing (58)
- University College (64)

If you have a medical condition (maternity) that impacts your ability to attend or perform in your class, please use this form to notify the Rutgers–Camden Dean of Students Office.

Photo of pregnant woman holding belly with hand on back of spine

Medical Alert (Faculty/Staff)

Title IX and NJ Senate Bill1489 ensures certain rights and opportunities for pregnancy students in institutions of higher education.

This covers all undergraduate and graduate students:
- School of Law (24)
- College of Arts and Sciences (50)
- School of Business (52)
- MBA (53)
- Graduate School (56)
- School of Nursing (57)
- Graduate School of Nursing (58)
- University College (64)

If s student notifies you of a medical condition (maternity/pregnancy) that impacts their ability to attend or perform in your class, please use this form to notify the Rutgers–Camden Dean of Students Office.

students in lecture hall with professor teaching class

Student Emergency Needs Request

Use this form if you have experienced an emergency which has affected your ability to be a successful student.

student choosing books in a library
Rutgers-Camden Welcome sign
open book lies on the desk
University college audience or lecture room with students as back to school education study and learning during conference presentation and training seminar meeting
View of Cooper Street Doorms
A loving couple (silhouettes of a man and a girl) hold hands in the rays of light at sunset on the sea on a pier.
group of students
military students
students in classroom learning about lyme disease
Photo of pregnant woman holding belly with hand on back of spine
students in lecture hall with professor teaching class
student choosing books in a library