

Hazing is strictly prohibited at Rutgers University.

Hazing is any action or situation, with or without the consent of the participants (an individual(s) or group), which recklessly, intentionally, or unintentionally endangers the mental, physical, or academic health or safety of a student.

Behavior falling into the categories below shall be considered hazing, REGARDLESS of whether a person is a willing participant:

1.Engaging in any act that impacts the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any organization or team whose members are Rutgers University students. 

2. Engaging in any activity that is inconsistent with regulations or policies of Rutgers University or laws in the State of New Jersey for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any organization or team whose members are Rutgers University students.

Please report any activity you think may be hazing.

To review the hazing section of the Student Organization Policy and Procedures..

To review the hazing section of the Code of Conduct.


If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Find out more about the different forms you can use to report concerns and address specific needs.