

Violations of academic integrity are generally divided into three categories: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

The following examples of violations are not exhaustive. Classification of a given violation is heavily dependent on the exact facts and circumstances of the violation as determined by the Academic Integrity Facilitator (who is 

appointed in each School to investigate and adjudicate alleged academic integrity) in consultation with the Office of Community Standards.

Level 1 Violations

Less Serious

  • inexperience or lack of understanding of the principles of academic integrity
  • no or low degree of premeditation or planning
  • occur on a minor assignment or quiz
  • constitute a small portion of a major assignment
  • represent a small percentage of the total course work
Level 1 Examples
  •  Plagiarism on a minor assignment or a very limited portion of a major assignment
  • Unpremeditated cheating on a quiz or minor examination
  • Prohibited collaboration with another student on a homework assignment
  • Unauthorized sharing of course materials
  • Citing a source that does not exist or that one has not read on a minor assignment
  • Signing in for another student via attendance sheet or clicker in a course where attendance is graded

Level 2 Violations

More Serious

  • second offense
  • substantial premeditation or planning; clear dishonest or malicious intent
  • occur on a major assignment or quiz
  • constitute a significant portion of a major assignment
  • represent a large percentage of the total coursework
Level 2 Examples
  • A second violation
  • Substantial plagiarism on a major assignment
  • Copying or using unauthorized materials, devices, or collaboration on a major exam
  • Distribution of course materials for financial gain
  • Intentionally obstructing another student’s work
  • Participating in an organized cheating scheme

Level 3 Violations

Most Serious

  • serious violation of a professional code of conduct
  • extreme cases of dishonesty and maliciousness
  • may involve violation of the law
  • likely to cause direct harm to others
Level 3 Examples
  • Any violation involving potentially criminal activity
  • Coordinating an organized cheating scheme
  • Having a substitute take an examination
  • Cheating and/or plagiarism on a capstone project, thesis, or dissertation
  • Intentionally destroying another student's work
  • Falsifying patient or client records


If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Find out more about the different forms you can use to report concerns and address specific needs.