Student Testimonials Archive

Student Testimonials Archive

Jane Luca | Jennifer Wain | Pete FreudenbeKrger | Emma Parry | LaCarole Faulkner | Adam Cutaiar | Tina Mikes | John Rapacz | David Garcia | Danielle Gregg | Ebony Foreman | Shannon Bonn | Henderson Tyrell

Jane Luca

Rutgers-Camden Office of Veterans Affairs: support anytime, anywhere to any veteran!

The Veterans Affair Office has been a fantastic support since day one! After my year of studying at Rutgers-Camden and year abroad in Berlin, Germany, I successfully transitioned to the School of General Studies at Columbia University.

Today I am world-traveled Columbia alumna, thanks to the Rutgers-Camden Office of Veterans Affairs that supported all my goals and aspirations, even if it meant leaving the community on to another university. I can easily say that Rutgers-Camden has the best Student Veteran services alongside Fred Davis' constant support!

Jennifer Wain

Loyalty, duty and commitment are the only words to begin to describe the professional nature of the Office of Veterans Affairs. As a senior nursing student and a current member of the New Jersey National Guard I was faced with a scheduling issue to accommodate both my military service and academic success. Director Fred Davis dedicated his time to make sure that this scheduling mishap was corrected and now I am able to complete my educational and NJ National Guard commitments. If it wasn't for Fred Davis this would not have been possible. I encourage all future Veteran students to make Rutgers Camden their top choice because you will not receive this kind of treatment anywhere else. Thank you for all that you do!

Thank you Fred!

Very Respectfully,
Jennifer Wain

Pete Freudenberger

Having faculty and staff on campus who are familiar with the challenges Veterans and their families face is critical to a returning service member's academic success. Rutgers Camden Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) does an excellent job at providing a safe place, where Veterans can go for support on campus. It is my personal belief that any institution of higher learning having the honor of educating our nation's Heroes, must make every effort to provide a dedicated space for Veteran students. Fred Davis and his staff clearly care about their student Veterans. Our office is proud to be affiliated with the OVA.

Emma Parry

Throughout my undergrad at Rutgers, Fred Davis and the student veterans took me under their wing without hesitation. I served as President of my Sorority, Sigma Delta Tau, and we linked up with the SVA to enhance fundraising efforts. The organizations blended wonderfully and are still working side by side on some projects to this day. The way Fred cares about not only student veterans, but students and people in general, is something that I admire each time I have an encounter with him. He has gone above and beyond for students and he was even the last person I saw right before I stepped on stage to receive my diploma. He proudly recommends me to hiring managers, to sing at events, and we keep in contact regularly.  I can go to Fred for advice and guidance and he is always willing to lend a hand. Everyone that knows Fred, including most my family members, know that his intentions are genuine and he has your best interest at heart. The staff and students of Rutgers University-Camden are so incredibly lucky to have Fred Davis on board and I look forward to what he has in store for the future.

Emma Parry 
Rutgers Graduate & Former President of Sigma Delta Tau National Panhellenic Sorority 

LaCarole Faulkner

Good Afternoon Fred-

Just wanted to tell you I certainly appreciated the Invite to your Veterans Day event last week. OMG, you all have done a fantastic job again (for 2016yr). As usual I was very impressed with the entire program. I actually look forward to attending "Rutgers Univ" Veterans Day.

Please inform your Supervisor that I felt you did an outstanding job as usual…..and hope you truly get noted for it.

Thank you for the invite again, and I enjoyed your entire program.


Adam Cutaiar

Rutgers University-Camden (RUC) offers an experience, I feel, that a Student Veteran would be hard pressed to find anywhere else. If you are a Student Veteran, and RUC is a consideration for you to complete your education, I would recommend it unequivocally.

As is the case for many of us veterans, RUC was not the first school I attended. It was, in fact, the third. The other institutions did not offer a fraction of the support and assistance that Fred Davis and his Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) offered. Fred and the OVA went above and beyond to ensure there were no issues with my course registrations and that my benefits were processed correctly. They also ensured that I felt welcomed and accepted . Fred personally welcomed me to the campus and took me on a tour to ensure that I knew my way around. He made it clear that I could and should go to him if I had any issues or concerns. Above administrative assistance, Fred and the OVA also offered comradery. They organized outings for Student Veterans regularly, maintained a Veterans lounge, and held an annual Veterans Day luncheon among many other activities. This environment is especially conducive to those transitioning out of uniformed service and into civilian life. Due in large part to Fred and the OVA, my time at RUC was fulfilling, enjoyable, and invaluable to my transitioning into a successful civilian career.

Adam Cutaiar U.S. ARMY VETERAN

Tina Mikes

After I registered for my first semester at Rutgers-Camden I was directed to the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) for further information that would add to my success while earning my degree. I was greeted by Fred Davis, Director of Rutgers-Camden Veteran Affairs and Joshua Piccoli, Student work-study who gave me a personal tour of the campus. I was given a Rutgers-Veteran hat, a binder and other items that I found useful for my classes. I thought it was amazing how well the veterans were treated on campus as I had not seen that at two other colleges I had attended in New Jersey. I knew that I could go to the office for any help I needed and felt as though I was fully supported with any needs I had.

During the two years I spent on campus, I experienced a comradery similar to what I had with my fellow soldiers while in the Army. Having a veteran lounge provided an environment to congregate with others that shared similar experiences specific to military life. Fred and the Student Veteran Club arranged events, trainings and presentations to connect us with resources that set us up for success once we graduate. As a result, I began working for Soldier On shortly after I completed my bachelor’s degree in Social Work which was a direct result of networking through the OVA. Three years later I am a supervisor with the same organization and absolutely love what I do, working with veterans who are experiencing homelessness. I have also returned to gain my master’s degree in Social Work and am proud to be a part of the Rutgers student veteran population once again.

Highlights of the Rutgers-Camden OVA:

  • Veteran education benefit support
  • Comradery from other veterans
  • Welcome packet (includes items such as a hat and binder)
  • Workshops and trainings just for student veterans
  • Fun trips, activities and volunteer opportunities
  • Student veteran club (SV@RC)
  • Fred will advocate for any veteran who needs it and for any reason on campus
  • VA Work-study positions
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Veteran lounge (includes computers and free printing as well as a refrigerator and coffee maker)
  • Personal tour around campus upon your first visit
  • Many accreditations to include Best College for Vets, Troops to Teachers, Military Friendly Schools and most recently the first Purple Heart University in New Jersey.
  • Most importantly, you will make friends for life!

Tina A. Mikes (U.S. Army)

John Rapacz

Having attended two prior colleges on my route to the Master’s program here at Rutgers Camden I have experienced different qualities of assistance as a student veteran. At my two previous intuitions, one in North Carolina and one here in New Jersey, the assistance for student veterans had been minimal. Needless to say, once I arrived at Rutgers Camden I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the Office of Veterans Affairs. Upon my arrival at Rutgers Camden I was immediately directed to and greeted by Fred Davis. Fred had a “welcome to Rutgers” bundle ready for me, (Hat, Binder, Stickers, Magnets, etc…). After a good talk and advising session with Fred, I was introduced to Josh Piccoli and Jane Luca. These 2 student veterans gave me a personal campus tour, informed me of all the programs available to me, and immediately made me feel like a welcome addition to the Student Veteran population. In the years following that first day here I have witnessed many outstanding events planned by Office of Veterans Affairs and Fred Davis. The OVA at RUC provides scholarship opportunities, mentoring, cookouts, a Veteran’s lounge, Networking opportunities, luncheons with recruiters for national companies looking to hire, support for struggling veterans, Movie nights, volunteer opportunities, trips to sporting events, and more. The amount of involvement the OVA and Fred create is endless. Recently, I was lucky enough to be personally involved with Fred in establishing Rutgers Camden as the first Purple Heart school in the State. Rutgers Camden’s Office of Veteran’s Affairs sets the standard by which all other schools should be judged.  

David Garcia (US Army)

After getting out of the military and obtaining an Associate's Degree in Education, I knew I needed a more substantial involvement in academics. I looked into many universities, but the deciding factor to enroll into Rutgers University - Camden came down to what resources were available to veterans. Fred Davis, Director Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA), made that decision easy for me. His staff was extermely supportive and nurturing, and they ensured that any veteran that came into the office or participated in the Student Veterans @ Rutgers-Camden Club was taken care of personally and professionally. Fred's hand-picked staff is always top quality and have done wonders in affording us our very own lounge, meeting spaces, and programs that give veterans an opportunity to reach out, give back, and matriculate more soundly into the rigors of life outside of the uniform. If it was not for the perennial care and dedication of the OVA, I would not have graduated with the high honors and confidence that I have in 2016. Their very presence gave me a sense of security, a peace of mind veterans can only receive by being surrounded by their own.

Danielle Gregg

The Office of Veteran’s Affairs (OVA) at Rutgers University Camden is an essential tool for succeeding in the academic environment as a veteran. Led by Fred Davis, the Veteran Coordinator, the office is always available when one needs assistance. Fred Davis was able to put me in touch with the Dora Perez and Angela Velez, both of whom made my transition back to school as a veteran, a seamless process. Everyone was accommodating and understanding. Fred Davis is easy to reach and he makes sure that the veterans on campus are aware of any activities going on with the OVA. By doing so, Mr. Davis makes sure that veterans are connected and networking. Jennifer Wain and Evin Robinson who work on behalf of the OVA have been wonderful to deal with. Overall, I am thankful that Fred Davis and the OVA are available to veterans on campus. 

Danielle Gregg (New Jersey Army National Guard)

Ebony Foreman

Since day one the Office of Veteran Affairs has been my number one source for help and also support. Fred and the individuals who work with him go above and beyond to help the student veterans with whatever needs they may have. I feel extremely blessed to come to a school that such a strong veteran presence. There are many individuals behind the scenes who keep the OVA going and I would like to publicly say thank you. Thank you for pushing to get us veterans the kind of help and education we need in order to survive as civilians. I truly feel like I have a mini family on campus and I would not have it any other way.

Thank you,
Ebony Foreman

Shannon Bonn (USAF)

The Office of Veterans Affairs at Rutgers, Camden has thoroughly impressed me.  There have been numerous times that I have needed assistance and contacted Fred Davis, and each time he went above and beyond in order to make sure I was good to go.  I have been to several colleges, each with their own veteran's office, but this one is by far the most helpful.  I have walked into the Office of Veterans Affairs just to ask Fred a question, and if he wasn't able to help me, he immediately got me in contact with someone who could.  The entire process for educational benefits is streamlined, and this is the first school I have been to where there have not been any issues with getting my educational benefits. This is also the first college I have been to with their own veterans lounge!  Fred and all the workers in the Office of Veterans Affairs have made my transition into Rutgers, Camden much easier.  Thank you all for everything you do!

Henderson Tyrell

Dear Mr. Davis

The help I received from your office for veteran students is too numerous to list.  You and all the veterans that assisted you in supporting the vet students was exemplary.  From facilitation in preparing for classes by aid in getting a computer, where and how to get books, familiarization with the Rutgers University at the Camden campus, and more than once the patient ministrations in use of a CPO were only some of the services I gladly received.  The support made easier the road from starting school in January 2013 to graduation in May 2015.

Especially, all your service as a go between for me, the school, and VA counselor.  The arrangement of speakers from employers, and other job possibilities was and is a great help.  Providing me and my fellow vets with our own room for loud bull sessions added to the comradery, and enjoyment of this marvelous experience of returning to school.  Thank you very much.

Yours truly

Henderson S. Tyrrell (US Army)


Office of Military & Veterans Affairs

Campus Center, Third Floor
326 Penn Street
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 225-6011