Who To Contact
Who to Contact
Rutgers–Camden depends on you making the call when a student or colleague is in need. Protect our community – make the call!
EMERGENCY (students/faculty/staff)
Danger – Violence Medical – fire – accident
suicidal threat
For emergencies, the process is the same whether a student, faculty, staff, or community member
See Note – When to call RUPD below
I see or am informed of a fight, assault, or other dangerous ongoing event.
I see or hear a person threaten violence
I see a person in need of urgent medical assistance (serious injury, someone unconscious, in medical distress)
I am with a person attempting to commit suicide or discussing a plan to commit suicide
If you are not aware of the individual’s location (e.g. they contact you via phone or email) indicate that the person is part of Rutgers University and the call will be appropriately routed)
RUPD can be called 24/7 - 365.
Inform dispatcher that you are from Rutgers University–Camden so that your call can be routed to the correct police department.
60.1.13 (employee)
Conduct (non-emergency)
I saw or heard a Rutgers student say or do something that is a potential conduct violation (not an emergency)
Office of Student Conduct/
Community Standards
Well-Being/Mental Health
I am concerned about the mental well-being or mental health of a student due to their behavior or change in behavior, something that they wrote or said in class, via email/posting (not emergency)
Student Wellness has free counseling and medical services for all students, regardless of a student’s insurance
Student Wellness (medical and counseling health services)
Dean of Students – sometimes students prefer one over the other– so we offer both resources
Student Behavior
I am concerned that a student is behaving unethically, causing concern, or is disruptive in or outside of the classroom.
Office of Student Conduct/Community Standards
Sexual Harassment
I received a complaint about, or witnessed, a Rutgers student involved in behavior that could be sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual intimidation, sexual exploitation, or sexual assault.
Laura Luciano, Associate Director, The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
Student Attendance or Personal/Medical Concern
I am concerned about a student who has had a change in participation or who has recently stopped participating in or attending class, or who shared a personal/family or medical crisis or difficulty
Dean of Students – CARES Team
The office will assist faculty in getting students to resources in addition to identifying issues and concerns with student in a confidential manner
Acute Student Need
I am concerned about a student who 1) cannot afford materials (books/access codes/technology) for class, or 2) is in need of food or housing, or 3) is in some other acute financial problem.
Dean of Students (CARES Team)
The office will assist students with resources in addition to identifying issues and concerns with student in a confidential manner
Academic Integrity Concern/Violation
I believe that one of my students may have plagiarized or cheated on an academic assignment.
Office of Community Standards/Student Conduct
The office is available for consultation prior to filing a formal report
Bias, Harassment, or Discrimination |
I am concerned that a student may be experiencing or potentially perpetrating harassment or discrimination based on their/another person(s)’ race/ethnicity, gender identity, religion, etc.
Dean of Students – may then call the harassment and bias committee should that be required
If an employee is involved, also refer to chart below
Military Deployment
I have been informed that a student is being deployed by the military/national guard.
There is a military leave policy that gives guidance for faculty and students.
Office of Military and Veteran Affairs can consult with the faculty member on options to consider
I have been informed by a student of a pregnancy.
NJ State recently added additional protections for students who are pregnant that requires additional considerations to allow for accommodations and academic credit – the Dean of Students and Title IX office are available to consult on all options.
The Dean of Students can consult with and work with faculty on the academic accommodations that are available and need to be considered.
Student Wellness/Student Health – is available, confidential and free to all students
General Student Concern
For all of the student concerns listed above that are not emergencies, or for others that do not fit in categories above, the Dean of Students Office will get the appropriate departments connected to the situation for follow up, resources and consultation.
Dean of Students CARES Team – they will consult with faculty, connect with student, get the student to resources and work the concerns through to conclusion.
Multiple student policies
Conduct (non-emergency)
I saw or heard a Rutgers employee make a concerning statement directly or indirectly (Non-emergency)
Office of Employment Equity (OEE)
Camden Human Resources
Well-Being (non-emergency)
I am worried about the mental health of a Rutgers employee.
I am worried about my own mental health
Employee Assistance Program or Primary Care Giver to discuss referral
Camden Human Resources
Bias, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination
I am concerned that a Rutgers employee may be experiencing or possibly perpetrating harassment or discrimination based on their/another person(s)’ race/ethnicity, gender identity, religion, etc.
Office of Employment Equity (OEE)
60.1.12 |
Sexual Harassment
I observed or received a complaint about a Rutgers employee involved in behavior that could be sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual intimidation, sexual exploitation, or sexual assault.
Office of Employment Equity (OEE).
For employees – start with the Office of Employment Equity.
If students are involved – refer to the student chart above.
General Faculty/Staff/Colleague Concern
If you have a general concern for or about a faculty/staff/colleague that is not captured above, then contact one of these offices for further assistance.
Camden Human Resources (staff/administrators)
Camden Provost (faculty)
Division of Student Affairs
Campus Center, Third Floor
326 Cooper Street Camden NJ, 08102
Phone (856) 225-2825 | Fax (856) 225-6495