Nathan Link photo
Nathan Link, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Nathan Link will be a voice for Rutgers University–Camden and the state of New Jersey as an Advisory Committee member to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. 

Link was recently appointed to serve a four-year term on the New Jersey Advisory Committee, which acts as the “eyes and ears” of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Members who are close to the issues impacting their respective regions report on such issues as fair housing, health care disparities, and services for individuals with disabilities, often affecting change at the state and national levels. 

“Civil rights and discrimination issues intersect with my work on criminal justice and systemic inequality,” Link said. “I am excited to bridge the gap between research and policy; I love theoretical research, but my favorite research is the kind that can have an impact on people’s lives.”

Link and his counterparts will soon meet to outline and discuss New Jersey’s greatest civil rights or discrimination issues, after which they will research and ultimately develop their first report for the U.S. Commission. 

Of the committee’s 12 bipartisan members, Link is the sole representative of the South Jersey region—a role he is happy to take on.

“There are a lot of good things happening in South Jersey—people are doing amazing work, and nonprofits who are fighting the good fight. I’m proud to be able to work on behalf of my part of the state and bring attention to what we're facing.”

Link has already begun the work of reaching out to community members, even in his classroom.

“I want to talk to as many people as I can,” Link said. “I'd like to tell people to reach out to me. I’ve told my students that if there are pressing issues they want to talk about, I’m ready to do that.”