The Appeal Process

The Appeal Process

  1.  An accused student has the right to appeal all disciplinary findings and/or sanctions.* The student must submit an appeal form and any supporting documentation to the Campus Appeals Committee (CAC) within ten (10) working days of the decision. The complaint party, the Conduct Officer, and the Presiding Officer (if applicable) have the right to respond to the student’s appeal.
  2. Appeals are considered only on the basis of the written record. The CAC does not meet with any of the parties.
  3. The CAC meets to consider the student’s appeal, the case file, and any statements submitted by the other parties.
  4. If the student accepts the finding and appeals only the sanction, the CAC may: Uphold the original sanction; or Modify the sanction.
  5. If the student appeals both the finding and the sanction, the CAC may: Uphold both finding and sanction; Uphold the finding and modify the sanction; or Dismiss the finding and send the case to a new disciplinary proceeding.
  6. The CAC will modify a sanction only if it is found to be severely disproportionate to the offense. A case is sent to a new proceeding only if: The finding of responsibility is not supported by the facts of the case; There is significant new evidence that was not available at the time of the original proceeding; or There was a procedural error so significant that it deprived the student of a fair disciplinary process.
  7. The student is notified in writing of the committee’s decision.
  8.  If the sanction includes suspension, expulsion, or the loss of University housing, the Senior Student Affairs Officer must approve the committee’s decision. If the sanction does not include separation or the loss of housing, the committee’s decision is final.
  9. The student is notified in writing of the SSAO’s decision, if applicable.
  10. The appeal process is concluded and the student’s sanction is implemented. A student retains their student status until all appeal options are exhausted. They can attend classes and complete tests and assignments as usual unless they are on Interim Suspension.


If you are concerned for the immediate health and safety of the student you are reporting or someone else, please call 911 or the Rutgers Police Department at 856-225-6009.

Find out more about the different forms you can use to report concerns and address specific needs.