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Campus Center Policies

Campus Center Policies

The Rutgers University-Camden Campus Center is intended for the use of students, faculty, staff, guests of the University and participants in authorized on-campus activities.  The following policies are intended to facilitate the fair allocation and efficient use of the facility.  It is our goal to provide uniform and consistent administration of facility usage.




Bicycles / Skateboards / Shoes with Wheels

Cash Handling & Collection

Cancellations/No Shows for Student Organizations

Contracts for Student Org Events

Damage, Theft & Vandalism


Display Cases

Donation / Collection Boxes


Facility Use 

Free Expression at Rutgers University


Gambling / Games of Chance


Hazardous Materials and Equipment

Hours of Operation


Lost and Found

Lounge Spaces

Raptor Roost

Scarlet Lounge

The Corner Lounge

Movies and Televisions

Newspaper Distribution


Parking / Loading Dock

Reserving Space in Campus Center

Safety / Security


Storage / Shipping

Student Works Gallery (SWG)

Ticket Sales

Tobacco Free

Transferring Reservations



Vendor Tables






Posting and Distribution Policies: 

  • Only printed materials from Rutgers affiliated and recognized student organizations, fraternities and sororities, and departments are permitted to be posted on University-specific bulletin boards; there will be general “public” bulletin boards available for use by non-University entities. 

  • All student organization flyers (including fraternities and sororities) must receive an approval stamp from the Center for Student Involvement, prior to posting.  Flyers will be stamped, dated (with an end date) and initialed.  The Center for Student Involvement reserves the right to refuse to post, distribute, or remove any material which clearly violates the University’s Student Code of Conduct or University policy.  

  • All advertisements for individual programs may be posted no more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the event, unless approved by the Center for Student Involvement (an exception might include an event where ticket sales are being accepted in advance of the event, off-campus trips, Fine Arts productions, and more).  Outdated materials will be removed.  

  • All flyers should include the following information: sponsoring organization/department, contact information, name of event and/or logo, admission costs (free or fee).  The admission costs may not change.  

  • All approved flyers are permitted on designated bulletin boards in the Campus Center only.  No posting/signage may be secured/taped to walls, doors, windows, stairwells, bathroom stalls, any painted surface, or hallways.  Approved flyers cannot be left out on tables/furniture throughout the Campus Center.  Any postings that are in violation will be removed and discarded.  

  • No advertising or posting for any event, program or service is permitted on the exterior building of the Campus Center facility.  

  • Use of any bulletin board in the Campus Center does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of any product, service, or information by the Division of Student Affairs or Rutgers University.  

  • Posting for non-University, non-recognized off-campus events is not permitted unless specifically approved by the Center for Student Involvement.  

Pit Banners:

Approved Banner Dimensions, materials & locations
  • Flat Bed Sheet
    • Approved Size: Twin (96” x 66”)
    • Locations: 3 approved banner slots along the pit by Starbucks
    • Flat bed sheet banners must be hung horizontally
  • Bulletin Board Paper
    • Approved Size: 4’ x 3’
    • Locations: 4 approved banner slots along the pit steps by Dining Hall
    • Paper banners must be hung horizontally
Banner Use Eligibility
  • Banner hanging locations are for the sole use of the Division of Student Affairs and associated student organizations managed by the Office of Student Involvement and Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs; large-scale Admissions and recruitment events, Chancellor’s-level requests and initiatives, foundation and donor-level requests and initiatives can also be approved upon request.
  • Student organizations, fraternities and sororities must be in good standing with their respective offices in order to utilize banner marketing.
  • All recognized student organization flyers, including fraternities and sororities, must receive written approval from the Center for Student Involvement, prior to hanging. Banners will have an approval notice stapled to the back as provided by the Center for Student Involvement.
  • The Center for Student Involvement reserves the right to refuse to post, distribute, or remove any material which clearly violates the University’s Student Code of Conduct, University Policy or visual identity standards of the institution.
Terms of Use
  • Banner request forms must be submitted no later than three (3) business days prior to the hanging start date.
  • All advertisements for individual programs may be posted no more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the event, unless approved by the Center for Student Involvement (an exception might include an event where ticket sales are being accepted in advance of the event, off-campus trips, long-term campaigns, and more). All organizations are required to remove the banner at the conclusion of the event. Failure to remove banners will result in them being discarded and the potential loss of banner privileges.
  • All banners should include the following information: sponsoring organization/department, contact information, name of event and/or logo, admission costs (if applicable).
  • Banners may only be hung in the appropriate locations designated by the Campus Center for bed-sheet or bulletin paper materials.
  • Use of any banner in the Campus Center does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of any product, service, or information by the Division of Student Affairs or Rutgers University.
  • Posting for non-University, non-recognized off-campus events is not permitted unless specifically approved by the Center for Student Involvement.
  • Any postings that are in violation of University policy will be removed and discarded.
Banner Request Form

Bulletin Boards: 

  • Bulletin Boards are available on a first come, first served basis to post flyers and printed materials.  Space is limited. Student organization flyers (including fraternities and sororities) must be stamped and approved by the Center for Student Involvement prior to being posted on bulletin boards. To accommodate as many events as possible, student organizations and departments are limited to one (1) flyer per event per board. Flyers are limited to a maximum of 8.5in x 11in size.   

Sandwich Boards: 

  • Sandwich boards are available for use as a first come, first serve basis leading up to events and needs to be signed out in the Center for Student Involvement.  Student organizations can only borrow one sandwich board at a time and can be signed out for up to 7 days at a time.  All borrowed sandwich boards must be returned to the Center for Student Involvement within 24 hours of the event ending.  Posters should be sized at 24” by 36” or smaller to fit correctly on the boards.   


  • Alcohol is prohibited at undergraduate student-sponsored events and can neither be served nor present (including as “Hospitality” items for artists and performers) at any event held in the Campus Center unless approved in advance by the Center for Student Involvement.  Please refer to the University-wide alcohol policy.

  • Please Note: Funds received from the Student Government Association (SGA) cannot be used to purchase alcohol.  


  • Only service animals (dogs & small horses) are permitted in the Campus Center, unless as part of an approved event (such as De-Stress Zone). For assistance with accommodations please visit the Office of Disability Services.

  • Please Note: Emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals. 

Bicycles/Skateboards/Rollerblades/Shoes with Wheels 

  • The use of bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, hoverboards, shoes with wheels and other such devices is prohibited in the Campus Center.  

  • Please Note: Bicycles are prohibited from being brought inside of the Campus Center and should be left outside of the building – there are several bike racks around campus. 

Cancellations/No Shows for Student Organizations  

  • Rutgers University-Camden’s Campus Center conference spaces are in high demand for meetings, retreats, conferences, seminars, and other events. Space is limited. Late cancellations prevent University departments and student organizations from making use of space. The cancellation penalty schedule is as follows:

  • First Offense: Warning

  • Second Offense: Written Warning

  • Third Offense: loss of individual or organization privileges associated with reserving space in the Campus Center for student organizations.

Cash Handling & Collection Policy for Student Organizations 

  • Once a student organization confirms with the Events Office that cash will be present for an event, the organization will need to obtain a cash box from the Student Affairs Business Office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center. This cash box will include change, deposit instructions, and necessary materials (such as wristbands).

  • The sponsoring student organization must schedule a meeting with a representative from the Center for Student Involvement to confirm details of cash collection and deposit.

  • All cash collected must be counted and deposited in the safe in the IMPACT Booth at the end of the event. The student organization will be issued a check, or the amount will be deposited into the student organization’s account within two weeks of the event. 

  • Non-student organizations seeking to collect cash (admission, sales, etc.) as a part of their program must seek approval from the Events Office. 

  • Also see Venmo policy. 

Contracting with External Suppliers

  • For student organization-sponsored events, all non-University vendors, performers, and artists must have a signed contract that meets university standards unless otherwise approved by Campus Center administration, ex: DJ 

  • All student organizations and paid vendors must comply with all University

  • Contracts can be obtained by working with the Center for Student Involvement. 

  • For information on Certificates of Insurance and contracts, please refer to the Department of Risk Management website.  

Damage, Theft & Vandalism 

  • The Campus Center is not responsible for damage, theft or vandalism to the sponsoring organization/department or client’s personal items. 

  • The sponsoring organization/department or client is responsible for the condition of the premises during the tenure of their reservation, and for the behavior of their guests/attendees of their programs.  

  • The sponsoring organization/department or client is granted the right to inspect the premises prior to the start time and conclusion of the event. Campus Center staff will accompany all inspections.

  • Repairs for damages will be charged to the sponsoring organization/department or client for total cost of repairs. Severity of the damage may result in loss of room reservation privileges.


Decorations and centerpieces are permitted with the following limitations: 

  • Glitter or any type, confetti, or feathers may not be used in the room on tables, or as part of a table-scape or centerpiece

  • No candles, wicks, open flames, incense or the burning of any materials is permitted.

  • Items cannot be nailed, tacked, stapled, glued or otherwise fastened to ceilings, walls, windows, columns, painted surfaces, projector screens and doorways.

  • Only blue painter’s tape can be used to hang items on any wall. The Campus Center also has easels and art panels that can be used to display decorations/posters.

  • Rutgers University-Camden signs, exit signs, or fire equipment cannot be covered or otherwise obstructed.

  • The Campus Center staff can provide use of a small step ladder to hang decorations.

  • Balloons can be used in decorating. If you need helium to blow up your balloons, you must reserve it on your reservation and there is a $15 fee for usage. We ask that you prepare your balloons in a short ceiling setting to avoid balloons being released to the high ceiling areas. Any event using latex balloons is strongly encouraged to prominently display a notice to accommodate attendees with latex allergies.

  • Please note that there may be a fee associated with the cost of clean-up for post-event if deemed necessary by Institutional Planning & Operations.

  • At the conclusion of all events, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization/department or client to thoroughly clean all rooms used of decorations or other material used during the event.

  • Sufficient time for cleanup should be planned and included in your reservation as post cleanup to avoid delays for the customers using the space after each event.

  • All rooms will be checked upon completion of event to ensure room was left in condition of pre-event.

DJ/Live Music/Performances 

If an office, department, or recognized student organization would like to host a DJ/Live Music/Performance in the Campus Center:

  • The contracted vendor is responsible for bringing all necessary equipment to perform services.

  • The vendor cannot plug into the audio of any of the event room spaces, as the speakers are not graded for amplified music. 

Donation/Collection Boxes 

  • Departments and student organizations may request space to collect for causes (food banks, clothing drives, toy drives, etc.) via the Events Office. There are three (3) locations available to display collection boxes in the Campus Center:   

    1. At the top of the main stairwell that leads to the Lower Level (“The Pit”) 
    2. By the IMPACT Booth 
    3. At the entrance of Starbucks  
  • Boxes must be clearly marked with sponsoring organizations information, name of collection, and dates the collection is taking place.   

  • Box must be neatly decorated and maintained during the collection dates.  

  • Reservations for box donations will be limited to two weeks at a time to ensure space is granted to all organizations and will be approved in a first come, first serve basis. 

  • The Community Policing Office is granted permission to house their own collection boxes outside of their office without prior approval or reservation.  

  • Boxes not disposed of or collected at the end of the collection date will be treated as abandoned property. 


  • All equipment (i.e. tables, chairs, stage, audio-visual, etc.) will be set up by the Campus Center staff.  The staff will also be available for basic audio-visual needs during an event.   

  • Outside lighting and sound equipment may not be plugged into Campus Center-owned equipment, unless approved in advance of the event by the Campus Center.  

  • The Campus Center only lends its equipment to other buildings on campus if the appropriate service order was completed via the Events Office.  

  • External vendors are required to supply all necessary equipment to fulfill the terms of their agreement.

  • The Campus Center assumes no responsibility for equipment used at events supplied by an outside vendor.  

  • The sponsoring organization/department or client will be responsible for all equipment and will be held liable for the equipment if lost, stolen, damaged, or misplaced during their event.  

  • The sponsoring organization/department or client who brings in equipment that requires access to water, electrical, satellite, internet and/or cable feed or such alike systems must receive advance authorization.   

Facility Use Policy 

Sponsoring organizations/departments, or clients are responsible for ensuring that the reserved space is used according to the purpose it was reserved. Reservations only apply to the sponsoring organization, department or client. Please reference: Facilities Usage Policy 20.1.9

Free Expression at Rutgers University

Rutgers is committed to the freedom of speech. The free expression and discussion of ideas is essential to our university’s core mission and values. We encourage open and civil discussion, debate, and exploration of ideas and viewpoints while we preserve the right of all in our community to learn, teach, and carry out the university’s essential work. Learn More.



  • Gourmet Dining is the sole provider of catering services on campus.  They offer a dynamic catering program that may be customized to fit your special event.  All requests must be made via the online catering system, eCater.   

  • If the sponsoring organization is planning on having food at an event, the request must be a part of the initial room reservation request.  

  • To ensure all served food meets health and safety preparation and handling guidelines and ordinances, potluck dinners are not permitted in the Campus Center.  

  • Food eating contests of any type are prohibited at Rutgers University-Camden. 

Cultural & Faith Based Organizations: 

Gourmet Dining has approved for recognized cultural and faith-based student organizations to seek approval for the use of a non-University caterer if Gourmet Dining determines that it cannot meet the needs of a specific student organization event. Click here to review policy.

Pre-Packaged Refreshments:

Gourmet Dining has approved recognized student organizations, including fraternities and sororities, to purchase pre-packaged, non-perishable snacks and beverages for meetings and small programs.  For more details, please review policy here.

Bake Sales: 

click here to view policy  

Gambling and Games of Chance 

Gambling, games of chance, and raffles are prohibited in the Campus Center, unless the activity has been approved by the local authorities and the Center for Student Involvement.


  • Sponsoring organizations or clients are responsible for their members and guests, and any equipment or entertainment provided. Groups are also responsible for taking the necessary precautions to ensure that there are no injuries, damages, or losses to property and/or persons in and around the Campus Center.

  • All persons in attendance at any event taking place in the Campus Center should be informed of their responsibilities regarding proper use of Campus Center spaces.  

Hazardous Materials and Equipment 

Any exhibit, equipment, vehicle, or other items, which are potentially dangerous to persons and/or property or incompatible with the structure, systems, or furnishings determined by Campus Center staff and/or Rutgers University policies are prohibited in the Campus Center.  

Hours of Operation 

The Campus Center is budgeted to operate seven days a week during the fall and spring semesters.  Summer and winter hours will vary.  Special accommodations may be made through the Events Office to open early or close late, with an additional hourly fee, per staff member.   All requests must be made two weeks prior to the event.  This fee also applies for summer and winter requests to open on days that the Campus Center is scheduled to be closed.  


Sponsoring organizations, departments or clients having an event where alcohol will be served are responsible for compliance with Campus Center, University, and State regulations governing the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages may be served to only those of legal drinking age, when approved to be present at an event or program. No intoxicated individuals will be permitted in the Campus Center. Disorderly persons will be barred and evicted from the Campus Center in accordance with the normal operating procedures of the Rutgers University Police Department.

Lost and Found 

Items found within the Campus Center are separated into three categories:  

  1. Police accepted items: Items that should be turned in directly to RUPD include cash, high value items, government issued ID’s and passports, any item presumed to be stolen, and keys.   

  1. IMPACT Booth accepted items: Items collected at the IMPACT Booth include items of clothing, umbrellas, items valued under $25, RUID cards, textbooks, and notebooks. Abandoned items not picked up will be donated within 30 days of collection.  

  1. Items not collected: There are certain items that will not be collected.  These include pens, pencils, water bottles, food containers or lunch bags with food in them.   

Check here to see if your lost item was turned into Rutgers University Police Department.  To speak with someone or arrange for pick-up, please contact Steve Ridinger, Evidence and Property Manager at 856-225-2909 or via email at steven.ridinger@rutgers.edu.  

Please note property not removed and/or claimed within 48 hours following the conclusion of an event/meeting held in the Campus Center will be considered abandoned by the sponsoring organization, department, user, or its exhibitors.  Campus Center may take possession of said property and treat it as its own or dispose of such property without liability.   

Lounge Spaces 

The policies listed below apply to all University departments, offices, student organizations, non-Rutgers users of the Campus Center and more (hereafter referred to as “Organizations”) seeking to use the Raptor Roost, the Scarlet Lounge, or the Corner Lounge as programming space.  

The Campus Center at Rutgers-Camden, guided by, and in support of the mission of the University, hosts facilities, provides services, and supports programs that foster the personal development of our students as individuals, advocate for the free expression of ideas, and promote the social, cultural, and educational interests of the campus
community. These are shared community spaces and expect members to be respectful in those spaces..   

Raptor Roost

The Raptor Roost is designed to serve as a centralized meeting space for formal and informal conversations, discussions, and interactions amongst our students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following policies are in place for the Raptor Roost: 

  • The Raptor Roost will serve as an “active lounge’ space primarily for our University students and student-focused offices and organizations to utilize for events and programs that are open and advertised to the campus community at-large.   

  • The program must be open and advertised to the Rutgers-Camden Campus Community. Scheduling programs that are exclusive in nature (i.e. group meetings, rehearsals, awards ceremonies, etc.) in the Raptor Roost is prohibited and will only be approved by the Campus Center for programming directly connected to serving the mission of the University and deemed to be critical to the success of the campus. 

  • The Raptor Roost must be used “As Is” regarding the set-up and layout of the furniture within the room – no furniture will be removed from the space. Groups using the space are responsible for ensuring the furniture is placed back in the original format.

  • The Raptor Roost has adequate audio-visual equipment for panel discussion, speakers, spoken word speakers, comedians, and bingo nights. If a group is hosting a band, karaoke, or musical performer or DJ, they will need to provide their own sound equipment or use the Campus Center’s portable Fender system (when appropriate) to avoid damaging the speakers in the room. The audio-visual equipment in the Raptor Roost may only be used for reserved events.   

  • The Raptor Roost will remain open during normal operating hours of the Campus Center so the Campus Community can use the space to meet, study, interact, & relax when it is not booked for approved events and programs. The Campus Center will remain the approver for any non-student focused activity in the Raptor Roost since it will be primarily utilized as “student space.”

Scarlet Lounge

The Scarlet Lounge is designed to serve as an informal learning space and allows for a centralized meeting space for formal and informal conversations, discussions, and interactions amongst our students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following policies are in place for the Scarlet Lounge:

  • The Scarlet Lounge is typically not approved as a primary programming space. Events that are approved include large-scale Admissions and recruitment events, Chancellor’s-level requests and initiatives, foundation and donor-level requests and Division-level capstone events. Exceptions may be made for student organizations where multiple organizations have been working with one another or for some fundraising/philanthropic events. 

  • When requesting the Scarlet Lounge for an event, we encourage you to request a room to hold furniture. The Scarlet Lounge cannot be “cleared.”

  • Events taking place in the Multi-Purpose Room may affect the availability of the Scarlet Lounge and will be taken into consideration prior to approval.  

  • No music/instruments are permitted to be played within the Scarlet Lounge, unless approved for a program prior to date of event.  

  • Please do not climb on top of or walk across any of the furniture in the Scarlet Lounge.  

The Corner Lounge

The Corner Lounge is designed to serve as a centralized meeting space for informal conversations, discussions, and interactions amongst our students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following policies are in place for the Corner Lounge.

  • The Corner Lounge must be used “As Is” regarding the set-up and layout of the furniture within the room – no furniture will be removed from the space. Please see the linked diagram for the layout of the space. Groups using the space are responsible for ensuring the furniture is placed back in the original format.  

  • The Corner Lounge will remain open during normal operating hours of the Campus Center so the Campus Community can use the space to meet, study, interact, & relax when it is not booked for approved events and programs* The Campus Center will remain the approver for any non-student focused activity in The Corner since it will be primarily utilized as “student space.”

  • No music/instruments are permitted to be played within the Scarlet Lounge, unless approved for a program prior to date of event.  

  • All approved programs must be open and advertised to the Rutgers-Camden Campus Community. Scheduling programs that are exclusive in nature (i.e. group meetings, rehearsals, awards ceremonies, etc.) in the Corner Lounge is prohibited and will only be approved by the Campus Center for programming directly connected to serving the mission of the University and deemed to be critical to the success of the campus and University.

  • Campus Center equipment, including televisions cannot be used without prior approval from the Campus Center administration. Video games may be plugged into the televisions on a pre-approved schedule, for a designated time as approved by the Campus Center. Any violation of the schedule will result in termination of the program and/or individual disciplinary action.

Movies and Televisions 

  • Proper license and copyright approval must be obtained prior to showing any movies or television shows.   Student organizations, departments and clients must use a licensed distributor.  

  • Movie showings must clearly identify the sponsoring organization, the name of the film and the movie rating in all advertisements and promotional efforts.  

  • When possible, closed captioning should be utilized when screening movies. 

Newspaper Distribution 

Only Rutgers University recognized publications may be distributed in the designated newspaper distribution areas within the Campus Center and must follow municipal guidelines and Rutgers recycling procedures for disposal of outdated materials.  


State and local fire codes dictate the maximum occupancy for rooms and program spaces in the Campus Centers based on setups. If there is an extraordinary setup you envision, please request through the Events Office, who will request the Campus Center staff to determine if it is a viable option. The Fire Marshall may be involved in that decision.  

Parking/Loading Dock 

  • Users and guests must abide by all University parking and traffic requirements, including but not limited to, passenger and equipment loading/unloading regulations, observance of authorized parking locations, and payment of fees. Payments of citation(s), which result from parking/traffic violations, are the sole responsibility of the sponsoring organization, department, or client and their guests.

  • Parking permits (issued as e-permits) are required for all Rutgers University parking lots and must be secured in advance of your arrival on campus. Student organizations, including fraternities and sororities, who are hosting guests and visitors on campus must contact the Center for Student Involvement at least three days in advance of their event in order to acquire the parking permit. The following information will be required in order to generate the permit:

    • License Plate Number 

    • State of origin for license plate 

    • Make and model of car (Honda, Ford, Chevy, etc.) 

  • Access to loading dock or delivery areas must be coordinated prior to their event. Parking in the Campus Center’s loading docks or reserved parking spots is prohibited, and violators will be ticketed or towed at the owner’s expense.

  • Parking arrangements should be made through the sponsoring organization, department or client. 

  • If approved to unload behind the Campus Center, please note that there is not a lift gate in any of the loading docks. 

  • Loading and unloading directly in front of the Campus Center must be approved by RUPD.

Reserving Space in the Campus Center 

All reservations for space utilization must be completed via the Events Office.  Please complete this form to request to reserve space if you are an office, department, or external client. Recognized student organizations must work directly with either the Office of Student Involvement or Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs to request space on campus through the EMS Web App

Academic classes are not permitted to reserve or hold class sessions in the Campus Center except in the North Conference Classroom and are scheduled by the Office of the Registrar.  


For questions pertaining to safety and security for events being hosted in the Campus Center, please contact the Events Office. The Rutgers University Police Department reviews each event request to determine the need and numbers for security, metal detectors, or if a performer or act should be denied. All related security fees will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization, department, or client.


Solicitation as defined by local, state, and federal law is prohibited on the property of Rutgers University-Camden, including the Campus Center.  


The Campus Center cannot receive shipments of materials without advanced approval from staff for storage arrangements, which are extremely limited and can only be done so on a temporary basis.  Items shipped without prior approval will be refused and returned to sender.  

Student Works Gallery (SWG) 

  • Events taking place in the SWG can only be booked one month at a time to accommodate the art shows that occur in the SWG. 

  • The Department of Visual Media and Performing Arts has priority to reserve the SWG. 

  • Layout and set-up options are limited when using the SWG. Furniture cannot be moved or relocated without prior approval. 

  • Only light refreshments are allowed in the Student Works Gallery during an event.   

Ticket Sale Policy 

  • Student organizations must utilize the IMPACT Booth for all ticket sales. To begin, complete the Ticket Request Form on ENGAGE once you receive a confirmed reservation from the Events Office. The IMPACT Booth provides ticket sales both in-person and online. 

  • Fraternities and sororities whose national headquarters or board require the use of external ticketing software are permitted to use that technology for ticketed events. Fraternities and sororities must use the IMPACT Booth for ticket sales where no external technology is required by their national organization.

  • All potential sales for student organization-sponsored events must be vetted and approved by the Center for Student Involvement. 

  • All Ticket Request Forms must be received at least two weeks prior to ticket sale dates to allow adequate time for set up.  

  • Pre-numbered tickets must be provided to the Center for Student Involvement for approval prior to going on sale.  

  • A weekly report of updated sales will be emailed directly to the point person of the event.  

  • All sales will have a service charge attached to each ticket sold, based on the pricing of the ticket.  The customer is responsible for the payment of the service charge at the time of purchase.  

  • Student organizations may not hold online ticket sales outside of the IMPACT Booth.  

  • Student organizations may not utilize PayPal, Chase QuickPay, Square Cash, or any other payment sharing system. Student organizations may only use Venmo for fundraising tables, like Bake Sales, but CANNOT be used for the sale of tickets or for admittance to events at any time. 

  • Student organizations who are not charging students for tickets should use the RSVP function via ENGAGE to manage attendance.

  • Please Note: SGA-sponsored and/or co-sponsored events may not charge more than $10 as an admission fee for a program when the SGA or its Finance Committee funds over 20% of the entire program or event. Exceptions will be examined on a case by case basis by the SGA and its Finance Committee (such as for large-scale, campus-wide events, etc.).

Tobacco Free 

Rutgers University is a smoke free institution. This includes electronic cigarettes, vaping and cannabis. For more information click here.

Transferring Reservations 

Reservations are non-transferable. A sponsoring organization, department or client cannot transfer a reservation to another group. Violation of this policy may result in the cancellation of future reservation privileges for both.


The Campus Center is open to all currently enrolled students, staff, faculty and alumni and individuals who have direct business or a recognized role with the University.   


Student organizations may ONLY utilize Venmo when conducting small fundraisers for product sales such as bake sales, flower sales, candy sales, etc. in all Campus Center spaces. The Venmo transactions must be redeemed and all funds raised using Venmo must be deposited in the student organization’s account within 72 hours of the fundraiser via cash, check, or through electronic deposit through the Student Affairs Business Office.

At this time, Venmo can be used for product sales ONLY. Venmo is prohibited to be used for ticket sales. Online or in-person ticket sales must be utilized when a student organization is planning on selling tickets.

All checks should be made payable to “Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey” and in the memo section on the check, please note the organization where the funds should be deposited.

Vendor Tables 

Each day, there is a total of 6 vendor tables available for reservation via the Events Office.  It is suggested to have your vendor tables reserved early in the semester, as these spaces fill up quickly.   

  • All vendor tables may be used for bake sales, information sharing, ticket promotion, or giveaways.   

  • During seasonal times, vendor tables will be allowed outside, with prior approval from the Campus Center.  The total tables for both indoor and outdoor will remain at 6.   

  • Food items for bake sales include baked goods and sealed, pre-packaged items (lollipops, candy, etc.). No items that need to maintain a specific temperature are permitted (i.e., flan, smoothies, etc.).  No hot plates or appliances can be used for heating or cooling. 

  • Non-food tables include items such as cultural wear, artwork, bracelets, etc.  

  • Only Venmo is permitted during vendor table sales. Venmo is NOT permitted for ticket sales at vendor tables. Fraternaties and sororities, see above for ticket sale policies. 

  • For student groups having cash on hand for sales, you must visit the Student Affairs Business Office (SABO) one hour prior to their vendor table reservation. This bag will have the cash box, a deposit bag, and $50 cash for change. Students will verify the count with SABO and sign off that they are receiving the cash box. After the sale is complete, students must return the bag with the cash box, deposit bag, and their total sales to SABO within one hour after their vendor table reservation. 

  • No music or musical instruments can be played at vendor tables.    

  • Please refrain from any obscene or derogatory language while at the vendor tables. 

  • Due to fire safety egress, please limit the number of representatives from the organization at the table at one time. Only 2 chairs will be provided per table.  

  • Name of the sponsoring organization or department must be displayed on the table.  

  • Solicitations of personal financial information and/or credit promotions are not permitted.   

  • Illegally trademarked items cannot be sold.  


In accordance with New Jersey state law, weapons are prohibited on any University grounds or in any University buildings.