The Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) offers counseling and advocacy services, educational and prevention programming, training, consultations, and policy development services to all members of the University community. Our programs and services are designed to promote ways of coping with the effects of interpersonal violence and to prevent such violence from occurring. All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL to Rutgers-Camden students.
What does "confidential" mean?
VPVA staff are confidential staff on campus, which means that we do not share that you have talked with us or any details about what we talk with anyone else unless you give us permission to do so or disclose thoughts of suicide or homicide. We are not obligated to report to Campus Authorities as many other faculty and staff are.
Crisis Intervention
VPVA is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for immediate assistance. A trained, confidential advocate is available to speak over the phone to provide support and information on the various options available. Our role is to give you the opportunity to explore all of your options and help you make informed decisions and then support you as you navigate those decisions.
If you are or would like to report an incident of domestic/dating or sexual violence to law enforcement, or to complete a forensic exam, an advocate can be available to meet you at the location to provide support and information.
To speak with an advocate, contact VPVA at (856)-225-2326.
Crisis Intervention services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL to all Rutgers-Camden students.
VPVA can assist with accessing any support from the university community that you may need as a result of victimization. Advocacy includes, but isn’t limited to:
Going to the Student Wellness Center or a local Hospital
Navigating the legal system for restraining orders, or other legal needs, and going to court or other appointments.
Facilitating interactions with university departments, offices, and individuals.
To request advocacy services, call 856-225-2326
VPVA provides free and confidential counseling to any Rutgers-Camden student that has experienced domestic/dating violence, sexual violence, stalking or harassment, regardless of when or where the act of violence occured. Using a survivor centered approach, our counseling services provide you with the opportunity to talk about your thoughts and feelings as well as explore the options you have to move forward in healing.
To make an appointment for counseling call 856-225-2326 or email Laura Luciano.
How To Help Your Friends
Knowing a friend has been abused or assaulted can be difficult. It's common to feel worried, sad, and afraid for your friend and their overall well-being. Being prepared to help them in a supportive way will help you feel more equipped in the event someone shares their experience with you.
Healing from violence isn't a straight forward path. Survivors go through many phases, and may often circle back. It's important that support systems avoid rushing survivors to "move on."
It is helpful to share your willingness to listen and to support your friend as they make decisions and work through the trauma. It is important to convey that you understand that they need to make the decisions that feel the best for them. You can be there for your friend by listening, checking in, and providing opportunities to focus on other thoughts and activities.
There are many ways to convey your support and willingness to help. Consider making comments that are supportive, validating, and non-judgmental.
Helpful things to say:
"You didn't do anything to deserve that. NO ONE deserves to be harmed"
"This isn't your fault"
"Thank you for trusting me with this"
"How can I support you?"
It is NOT helpful to completely avoid talking or asking about their experience or trying to convince them to do or not do something related to the abuse. It is also harmful to blame or minimize your friends experience in any way.
Need Help?
Call 856-225-2326 to speak with someone immediately.