Hands intertwined

Chancellor’s Lecture Series

Chancellor’s Lecture Series

The Chancellor’s Lecture Series strives to provide timely and ongoing conversation with scholars and activists on trending topics, domestic and global, that challenge and amplify our understanding of global civility and humanity. Topics include conversations on racism, discrimination, classism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other prejudices that challenge our vision of a beloved community at home and abroad. Invited guests will engage multiple communities on campus and will give a public lecture for the campus community and the greater Camden community.

2025 Lecture Series

Heather McGhee
Tuesday, March 11

Heather McGhee is the keynote speaker for the 2025 Chancellor’s Lecture Series. Heather McGhee, New York Times bestselling author and policy advocate, will speak about her award-winning book The Sum of Us.

McGhee will take us on a journey across the country, exploring with compassion, intelligence, and care what we lose as a result of the zero-sum paradigm—the idea that progress for some must come at the expense of others. McGhee argues that what would actually improve our lives—from our infrastructure to our education system and democracy itself—would be to come together across divides.

Heather McGhee

Previous Events

2024 Lecture Series

Susan Benesch
Wednesday, April 24

Susan Benesch, founder and director of the Dangerous Speech Project spoke to Rutgers–Camden members about how speech can inspire violence - and to find ways to prevent this, without infringing on freedom of expression. 

Susan Benesch with Chancellor Tillis and Nyeema Watson

2023 Lecture Series

Dr. Ibram X Kendi
Monday, March 27, 2023

Five-Time New York Times #1 Bestselling Author Ibram X. Kendi Captivated Rutgers–Camden at Chancellor’s Lecture Series.

Bestselling Author Ibram X. Kendi with Rutgers–Camden Chancellor Antonio Tillis

Nominate a Speaker

Nominations to recommend a potential speaker for an upcoming lecture series are closed. For questions or requests for late submission, please contact Vanessa Cubano at vanessa.cubano@rutgers.edu.