Rutgers–Camden Launches A New Strategic Planning Process

Sent Monday, 9/19
To the Campus Community:
This fall, we are launching the process of creating a new strategic plan for Rutgers University–Camden – one that will be in place by the centennial anniversary of the founding of our campus, which we will celebrate in 2026.
Ours will be an inclusive and collaborative planning process wherein all constituents— faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, our Board of Directors, and others – will be actively engaged. Together, we will develop and then realize our common goals to achieve a shared vision of excellence for Rutgers–Camden. I am looking forward to working with all of you as we move forward.
I am pleased to announce that Dr. Jane Siegel, associate dean for undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Marsha Besong, vice chancellor for student academic success, have agreed to co-chair this process. They seek to constitute a Strategic Planning Steering Committee which, over the course of this academic year, will guide the overall vision, formation, and strategy of the plan, which will identify three to five critical priorities that will position Rutgers–Camden for even greater levels of success.
Students, faculty, and staff interested in participating on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee are encouraged to complete this application.
Please join me in thanking Dr. Besong and Dr. Siegel for co-chairing this important process. I am excited about the possibilities for the future of our great institution!
Antonio D. Tillis, Ph.D.